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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "MongoDB different ids types error" with the code RVR-MGB-400 occurs when there is a mismatch in ID types used in a MongoDB collection. This often happens when the data in MongoDB has inconsistencies regarding the types used for IDs across different documents. This can happen due to manual data entries or inconsistent data schema enforcement in collections.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Identify the Cause:
      • Check your MongoDB collection for documents with different types of IDs (such as ObjectId, string, or integer) and ensure that they are consistent.
      • Use MongoDB shell or a script to iterate over the collection and report documents with mismatched ID types.
    • Standardize ID Types:
      • Convert IDs to a consistent type across your entire collection. It's common to use ObjectId for MongoDB, but if string IDs are preferred, ensure all IDs are strings.
      • You may use an aggregation framework or a custom script to update IDs to a consistent type.
    • Update Schema Definitions:
      • If applicable, update your application code or schema definitions to enforce the desired ID type on all new documents being inserted.
    • Validate Changes:
      • After standardization, validate data consistency by running queries to check for any remaining discrepancies.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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