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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "NO columns for selected brandID" with Error Code: RVR-MOAT-203 typically occurs in the Moat Data Connector within Rivery when attempting to fetch data for a brandID but no data columns are returned. This error suggests that there might be a configuration issue or the specific brandID does not exist or is incorrect, leading to a lack of available columns for data extraction.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify BrandID: Check if the brandID you have selected or are attempting to use actually exists and is correctly entered. It's possible that a typo could lead to such an error.
    • Confirm Data Availability: Ensure that there is data available for the specified brandID in Moat. If there’s no data, you might encounter such issues.
    • Check the Configuration: Review the configuration settings within the Rivery platform for any discrepancies that might affect the brandID or its corresponding data extraction.
    • Consult Moat Documentation: Refer to Moat’s documentation and API guidelines to ensure that the request parameters are correctly formed and supported.
    • Review Mappings: Double-check the column mappings and ensure that all necessary columns for the data extraction are correctly specified and mapped.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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