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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MSS-500 is an internal error related to the Azure SQL data connector on Rivery's platform. This could result from multiple issues related to connection setups or database configurations.
    • Initial diagnosis suggests the issue might be related to change tracking or cleanup processes, which involve the database settings concerning synchronization and data integrity between the source and the river operation.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Change Tracking: Ensure that Change Tracking is enabled for the database and tables. You can do this by executing SQL queries to check the current status of Change Tracking.
    • Review Logs: Go through your MSSQL server logs for messages related to change tracking or any issues encountered during river extraction.
    • Reinitialize Tables: If there are issues with last_sync_version, consider reinitializing the table data to reset and attempt synchronizing from a clean state.
    • Investigate Cleanup Processes: Examine if the database cleanup settings might be interfering with your data synchronization. Excessive cleanups can remove important change tracking data and disrupt synchronization.
    • Use the Test Connection: Ensure your Azure SQL connection configuration is correct. Use the "Test Connection" function in Rivery to verify connectivity.
    • Whitelist IPs: Check that your Azure SQL server allows connections from Rivery's IP addresses by whitelisting them.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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