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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MSS-501 for the azure_sql data connector suggests an external general error that might be due to various connectivity issues or configuration problems. This error can often stem from misconfigurations within Azure SQL Server settings or network connectivity issues.
  2. Action Steps:

    1. Verify Network Connectivity:

      • Ensure that your network configurations allow connections to Azure SQL from the environment where Rivery is running. This includes checking firewall settings on Azure SQL for any IP restrictions.
    2. Check Azure SQL Configuration:

      • Ensure that all necessary permissions are correctly configured in Azure SQL. The credentials used in Rivery should have appropriate access rights to the required databases and tables.
    3. Test the Connection:

      • Utilize any SQL management tool (such as Azure Data Studio) to test the connection to your Azure SQL database externally to verify it's operational outside of Rivery.
    4. Review Logs for Details:

      • Check the logs available in Azure SQL for any more detailed messages or warnings that might indicate the source of the problem. Also, examine Rivery logs for any additional context or error codes.
    5. Consult Rivery and Azure SQL Documentation:

  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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