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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code RVR-MSS-702 indicates a connection failure with Azure SQL in Rivery. This error suggests that there is an issue with establishing a connection to the Azure SQL database from the Rivery platform. Possible causes range from network connectivity issues, incorrect credentials, IP whitelisting problems, to configuration errors within Azure SQL settings.
    • As per Rivery documentation, this error typically occurs due to incorrect configuration settings or connectivity issues between Rivery and Azure SQL. Verifying configurations and network settings is necessary.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials: Ensure the username and password provided to Rivery for the Azure SQL connection are correct. Incorrect credentials are a common cause for connection failures.
    • IP Whitelisting: Confirm that Rivery's IP addresses are whitelisted on your Azure SQL server. Missing or incorrect whitelisting can lead to connectivity issues.
    • Network and Firewall: Check that there are no firewall settings blocking the connection from Rivery to Azure SQL. Make sure the firewall allows access to Azure services as well as any necessary client IPs】.
    • SQL Server Settings: Verify that your Azure SQL server is configured to accept incoming connections. Ensure that the SQL Server agent, if required, is running.
    • Test Connection: Use the 'Test Connection' feature in Rivery to see if the connection can be established. This can help identify whether changes take effect.
    • Check Azure Service Status: Sometimes, connection failures are due to service disruptions in Azure. Check the status of Azure services to ensure that there's no ongoing outage.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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