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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MSS-708 is related to an external error during a merge operation with the Azure SQL data connector in Rivery. This generally indicates issues with the configuration or execution of the merge operation.
    • Initial diagnosis suggests checking for misconfigurations or issues within the merge statement or related configurations in the Azure SQL settings.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Configuration: Ensure that the primary keys are correctly defined in your source tables, as a lack of primary keys can lead to failure in Merge operations.
    • Reinitialize Tables: If there's a possibility of missing synchronization versions due to cleanup processes, it might be necessary to reinitialize the tables involved.
    • Check Loading Mode: Confirm that the 'Upsert-Merge' loading mode is correctly set, as this is essential for performing merge operations in Rivery.
    • Analyze Logs: Review MSSQL server logs for any messages related to change tracking or cleanup operations. This can provide insights into any underlying issues affecting the merge process.
    • Concurrency Issues: Ensure that no multiple processes are trying to synchronize concurrently with change tracking as this might lead to conflict issues.
  3. External References:

    • For more detailed information on configuring Azure SQL as a data target, you can refer to Rivery's documentation on Azure SQL.
    • For troubleshooting merge operations and related error messages, consulting the specific documentation on SQL Server might also be beneficial.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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