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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error RVR-MSS-709 indicates an "Insert-Into failed" issue within Rivery while using Azure SQL as the data connector. This error generally suggests that there is a problem with the insertion operation into an Azure SQL database. Initial diagnosis could involve various factors such as schema mismatches, data type issues, or possibly issues with the connection settings or query syntax.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Table Schema: Ensure that the table schema in Azure SQL matches the data being inserted, including column names and data types.
    • Check Data Types: Utilize the SQL Server datatype mapping to ensure compatibility with Rivery, as some data types might require conversion. For example, unsupported or mismatched data types could be automatically mapped to String type.
    • Examine Logs and Queries: Look at the execution logs in Rivery and the query logs in Azure SQL to see if there are specific SQL errors that provide more context.
    • Data Integrity and Constraints: Confirm that there are no data integrity issues or constraints (like unique keys, foreign keys) that might be violated by the insert operation.
    • Reconnect and Retry: Temporarily disconnect and then reconnect to ensure there are no transient connectivity issues. After reconnection, retry the insertion operation.
    • Configuration Verification: Ensure all configurations, such as API endpoints and authentication credentials, are correctly set in Rivery for your Azure SQL database.
  3. External References:

    • For further assistance on Azure SQL and setting up proper configurations, refer to Rivery's documentation: Rivery - Azure SQL as a Target.
    • Review Microsoft’s official documentation on SQL Server data types and Azure SQL if you suspect datatype mismatches: SQL Server Data Types.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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