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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error encountered is "External Error - Failed to recreate keys" with the error code RVR-MSS-717 in an Azure SQL data connector. This issue typically arises when there is a problem with change tracking in SQL Server, specifically when the system is unable to retrieve or recreate the necessary keys due to a missing or invalid synchronization version.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Minimum Valid Version: Check if the min_valid_version is set to zero or if the last_sync_version is not received. An error like this requires reinitializing the table because without a minimum valid version, change tracking data cannot be retrieved.
    • Investigate Cleanup Processes: Look into any automated cleanup processes which might frequently or infrequently remove necessary change tracking data, causing synchronization issues.
    • Review SQL Server Logs: Check the SQL Server logs for messages pertinent to change tracking or issues encountered during the cleanup process. This can provide insights into what might be provoking the error.
    • Reinitialize Tables: If necessary, reinitialize the table data to reset synchronization versions and try the operation again. This often resolves issues related to missing synchronization data.
    • Concurrency Issues: Ensure that multiple processes are not attempting to synchronize with change tracking at the same time, which could lead to concurrency problems.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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