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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MSS-719 indicates an external error related to the failure in creating an index. The error is happening with the azure_sql data connector. This error often occurs due to issues with the underlying SQL Server settings or configurations on Azure SQL that manage indexing.
  2. Diagnosis:

    • The failure to create an index in Azure SQL could result from a variety of issues such as insufficient permissions, resource limitations, or SQL syntax problems. Index creation might fail if the SQL Server doesn't have enough allocated resources or due to incorrect SQL configurations.
  3. Action Steps:

    • Check Permissions: Ensure that the account used for connecting to Azure SQL has the required permissions to create indexes. Typically, you may require CREATE permission on the database level.
    • SQL Server Logs: Review logs in Azure SQL Server Management Studio. These logs might provide specific information or errors related to index creation.
    • Re-check SQL Script: Verify that the SQL script used for index creation is correct with no syntax errors and adheres to the SQL standards for Azure SQL.
    • Resource Management: Ensure that the Azure SQL instance has enough resources (e.g., DTUs or vCores) to handle the additional overhead of creating an index. Sometimes the creation might fail due to resource thresholds being maxed out.
  4. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support by accessing the "Help" button in the console's sidebar and following the instructions to contact support.

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