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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MSS-720 indicates an external error occurring when trying to set table metadata, specifically when using the Azure SQL data connector. This typically relates to synchronization and metadata management issues often involving SQL Server change tracking or similar mechanisms.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Minimum Valid Version: Verify if the issue arises from the min_valid_version being zero or if the last_sync_version is missing. If either of these conditions is true, you need to reinitialize the table to retrieve change tracking data.
    • Review Cleanup Processes: Frequent cleanup operations might be removing relevant data, leading to synchronization issues. Review the cleanup settings and logs to ensure that change tracking is functioning correctly.
    • Reinitialize the Table: Follow the steps to reinitialize your table in the Rivery platform. This process is necessary if the last_sync_version is not available. Run the river again after reinitialization to see if the error persists.
    • Check SQL Server Agent: Ensure that the SQL Server Agent is running, especially if you are using Azure SQL Server Virtual Machines, as it might be needed to support operations like CDC (Change Data Capture).
  3. External References:

    • You can find more information and troubleshoot further issues related to Azure SQL connections in Rivery's official documentation here.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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