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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering the error BULK_INSERT_JSON_FAILED with error code RVR-MSS-721 when using the Azure SQL data connector in Rivery. This error typically indicates an issue with the bulk insertion of JSON data into the specified Azure SQL database.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify JSON Structure: Ensure that the JSON data being used for bulk insertion is properly formatted and does not contain any errors in its structure. Correctly formatted JSON is crucial for successful bulk operations.
    • Check Column Mappings: Ensure that the JSON fields are correctly mapped to the destination table columns in Azure SQL. Any mismatch can lead to insertion failures.
    • Review Data Type Compatibility: Make sure that the data types of the JSON fields align with the data types of the corresponding columns in Azure SQL. JSON values that do not match the expected types can cause errors.
    • Inspect Azure SQL Table Constraints: Check if there are any constraints such as unique keys or foreign keys in the Azure SQL table that might be causing the bulk insert to fail. Address any violations that might arise during the insert operation.
    • Analyze Logs for Detailed Error Messages: Access the logs in the Azure SQL or Rivery platform to identify any detailed error messages or additional data that may provide insight into why the bulk insert is failing.

3 External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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