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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering an error with code RVR-MSS-802 while using the azure_sql data connector on Rivery, specifically related to a failure in executing a query. This error typically arises due to issues with the connection configuration, query syntax, or Azure SQL settings.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection Settings: Ensure that all the connection settings for your Azure SQL database in Rivery are correct. Check the server name, database name, and authentication details.
    • Check Firewall and Network Settings: Make sure that the IP addresses used by Rivery are whitelisted in your Azure SQL Server configuration. If not, connection attempts might fail, causing query execution errors.
    • Validate Query Syntax: Double-check the query being executed for any syntax errors or unsupported functions/statements. Rivery only supports SELECT statements in custom queries without additional SQL scripts.
    • Review Azure SQL Logs: Inspect logs in Azure SQL for any specific errors or messages related to the failed query attempt. This might provide more detailed reasons for the failure.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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