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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-MYSQL-RDBMS-302 indicates a problem with obtaining column descriptions from a MySQL database via Rivery's connector. This usually points to a potential issue with the database's structure or permissions related to column descriptions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Database Connection and Permissions:
      • Ensure that the MySQL user account used by Rivery has adequate permissions to access the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, which hosts the column descriptions. Specifically, verify that the user can execute SHOW COLUMNS FROM <table_name> for the tables involved.
    • Check for Special Characters or Naming Conventions:
      • Ensure that there are no unsupported special characters in table or column names. Rivery does not support table and column names that combine uppercase and lowercase characters or contain special symbols.
    • Review MySQL Logs:
      • Check the MySQL server logs for any errors or warnings related to schema access or permissions that might clarify why the column description could not be retrieved.
    • Update MySQL Connector:
      • Ensure that the MySQL connector driver is up to date and compatible with the MySQL server version.
  3. External References:

    • For further guidance on setting up a MySQL connection in Rivery, you can refer to the MySQL Connection Documentation available on Rivery's official site.
    • Also, consider reviewing MySQL's official documentation regarding INFORMATION_SCHEMA for any permission or schema details.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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