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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-RDT-301 indicates an internal error with the Reddit data connector in Rivery. This type of error usually signifies an issue within the connectivity or processing of data from Reddit to Rivery, which might be due to misconfigurations, API limitations, or unexpected data formats.
    • General diagnosis suggests checking the connection configuration, ensuring that all fields are correctly populated, and possibly performing a test of the connection to see if there are immediate errors in connecting to the Reddit API.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Connection Configuration:
      • Verify your OAuth 2.0 credentials and permissions for Reddit Ads API. Follow the steps specified for connecting with the Reddit Ads API to ensure all permissions and authentications are in place.
    • Test Connection:
      • Use the "Test Connection" function in Rivery to verify that the connection to Reddit is successful and there are no immediate issues with reaching the API.
    • Review Rivery Logs:
      • Analyze error logs within Rivery for more detailed information about the error occurrences and determine if there are any patterns or specific actions causing the error.
    • Update API Usage:
      • Check Reddit API status and ensure that you’re not hitting any request limits or experiencing downtime.
    • Restart the River:
      • If possible, restart the Rivery River involving Reddit data to see if the issue persists, post reconfiguration and test actions.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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