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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error RVR-SFTPConn-101 indicates a connection failure to an SFTP server using the Rivery platform. This typically suggests issues with the network settings, authentication credentials, or configuration of the SFTP connection. Initial diagnosis points to either unwhitelisted IPs or incorrect authentication details as common causes.
    • Additional factors such as firewall settings or incorrect server configurations might also contribute to this error.
  2. Action Steps:

    1. Check IP Whitelisting: Ensure that Rivery's IP addresses are whitelisted on your SFTP server. Failure to whitelist these IPs can lead to connection timeout or rejection issues.
    2. Verify Network Settings: Make sure that the host address, port number, and network firewall settings on the SFTP server allow incoming connections from Rivery.
    3. Validate Credentials:
      • Re-enter and confirm all authentication credentials (username, password, and key file, if used).
      • If using a key file for authentication, ensure the correct key file is being utilized and it matches the one registered with the SFTP server.
    4. Test Connection: Utilize Rivery's "Test Connection" feature to verify if the connection settings work correctly after making any changes.
    5. SFTP Server Settings: Double-check that the SFTP server settings (such as username, password, and key type) match exactly what is configured in Rivery.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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