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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering a "Connection Error to SFTP {host}. Bad Credentials or Permissions" with the Error Code: RVR-SFTPStor-100 while attempting to connect through Rivery's platform. This error indicates that there are issues with the credentials provided or permission settings required for accessing the SFTP server.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials:

      • Double-check the username and password or the private key file being used for authentication. Ensure that the password is correct if using basic credentials, or that the correct and valid key file is used if opting for key-based authentication.
    • IP Whitelisting:

      • Ensure that Rivery's IPs are whitelisted on the SFTP server. Lack of IP whitelisting can lead to connection errors. You can find more details on which IPs should be whitelisted here.
    • Check Permissions:

      • Confirm that the user attempting to log in has the necessary permissions on the SFTP server. This might involve access to specific directories or execution of certain commands during the session.
    • Test Connection:

      • Use the "Test Connection" feature within Rivery after verifying credentials and permissions to ensure everything is correctly set up.
  3. External References:

    • Detailed instructions on setting up and troubleshooting SFTP connections with Rivery can be found at Rivery's documentation: SFTP Connection.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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