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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SFTPStor-103 indicates a problem with the private key file while trying to establish an SFTP connection using Rivery's platform. This error commonly occurs when the private key is incorrectly configured, missing, or not accessible. It is essential that the private key file is correctly formatted and placed in the appropriate directory with the right permissions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Private Key File: Ensure that the private key file is in the correct format. It should be a .pem file typically generated through key-pair generation tools.
    • Check File Permissions: Ensure that the private key file has the correct permissions. Generally, the permissions should be 600 on Unix systems, which can be set using the command chmod 600 path/to/your/private/key.
    • Key File Path: Make sure the path to the private key file is correctly referenced in the connection configuration within Rivery.
    • Test Connection: After making any changes, use the "Test Connection" feature in Rivery to check if the connection to the SFTP server is successful.
    • Regenerate Key Pair: If issues persist, consider regenerating the key pair via your SFTP server's interface and update the connection settings in Rivery with the new key.
    • Whitelist IPs: Ensure that Rivery's IPs are whitelisted on your SFTP server to allow connections.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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