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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message "Connection Error to SFTP: {host}. General Connection Problem. Error Code: RVR-SFTPStor-104" indicates a failure to establish a connection to an SFTP server using Rivery's storage data connector. This is often related to network or authentication issues.
    • The error is specified as a general connection problem, which suggests potential issues in IP whitelisting, network configuration, or incorrect credentials.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Whitelist IPs: Ensure that Rivery's IPs are whitelisted in the network settings of the SFTP server. This is crucial for establishing a successful connection.
    • Review Credentials: Verify that the host, port, username, and authentication method (password or key file) are correctly configured in Rivery. Any discrepancies here can lead to connection problems.
    • Test Connection: Use the "Test Connection" feature in Rivery after verifying the connection details to ensure that the connection can be successfully established.
    • Check Network Settings: Ensure there are no firewall or network restrictions that could be blocking the connection. This might involve checking with a network administrator to see if any security settings might impede the connection.
    • Check SFTP Server Logs: It can be useful to review logs on the SFTP server for any incoming connection requests or errors, which can provide additional context for the connection failure.
  3. External References:

    • For more details on SFTP connection settings in Rivery, refer to the Rivery Documentation on SFTP Connections.
    • If the problem continues, you might need to consult with your network administrator or refer to general SFTP server configurations to ensure nothing else is overlooked.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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