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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary:

    • The error code RVR-SGD-001 indicates a generic error with the SendGrid data connector in Rivery. This is a non-specific error suggesting that something went wrong in the connection or operation with SendGrid, but it doesn't provide detailed information about the exact cause.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Key and Permissions: Make sure that the API key used for connecting to SendGrid is valid and has the appropriate permissions. You may need to log into the SendGrid dashboard to verify the API key settings and ensure it has all necessary scopes for the actions you are trying to perform【4:14†source】.
    • Test Connection: Use the 'Test Connection' feature in Rivery to verify if the SendGrid connection is active and correctly configured【4:14†source】.
    • Review SendGrid Setup: Make sure that all required fields in the Rivery SendGrid connection setup are filled out correctly. These fields include the connection name, API key, and selected report types【4:14†source】.
    • Consult SendGrid Documentation: Check the SendGrid API Documentation to ensure compliance with any API changes or updates that might affect the integration.
    • Check Logs: Review any log files or debug messages associated with the Rivery setup to identify additional error details that can help diagnose the problem.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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