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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SGD-002 with the description "Response Value Error" indicates that there might be an issue with the values being returned from a SendGrid data connector. This error typically occurs when the data received from SendGrid is not in the expected format or does not have the expected structure. This might be due to changes in the SendGrid API responses or issues in how the data is being fetched or processed.
  2. Action Steps

    1. Verify API Key and Permissions:

      • Ensure that the API key used for the SendGrid connection is correct and has the necessary permissions. Check against SendGrid's API documentation to confirm that all required scopes and permissions are set correctly on the API key.
    2. Check Report Type and Parameters:

      • Verify the type of report you are trying to pull (Statistics or Raw Data) and make sure the parameters such as start date, end date, and any filters are correctly set and supported by SendGrid.
    3. Review SendGrid's API Documentation:

      • Ensure that the SendGrid connector and the utilized endpoints are supporting the operations requested from them. Updates or changes in the API might need you to adjust your requests or payload.
    4. Test Connection:

      • Use the "Test connection" feature in Rivery to ensure that the connection to SendGrid is successfully established.
    5. Check for Format Consistency:

      • If possible, manually fetch data from SendGrid using the parameters and inspect if the format and data types match what your application expects.
  3. External References

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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