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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code "RVR-SGD-201" is a permissions error encountered while using the SendGrid data connector within Rivery. This indicates that the API key being used in the connection lacks the necessary permission scopes for the operations you are attempting to perform.

    • Initial diagnosis suggests the issue arises due to missing or incorrect permissions set on the API key configured in Rivery for accessing SendGrid.

  2. Action Steps:

    • Edit API Key Permissions:

      • Log into your SendGrid account.
      • Navigate to the API key management section.
      • Check the permissions (scopes) associated with your API key. Ensure that the scopes align with the data you are trying to access or modify. For detailed scope requirements, refer to SendGrid's API key permissions documentation.
    • Update Connection in Rivery:

      • After updating the API key permissions, return to Rivery.
      • Go to the Connections tab, and update the SendGrid connection, if necessary.
      • Test the connection to ensure that it is configured correctly with the updated key.
  3. External References:

    • For more information on SendGrid API key management and permissions, you can visit SendGrid's official API documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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