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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "FSnowflake connection problem. Please check the connection details or your credentials in Snowflake. Error Code: RVR-SNF-001" indicates a failure to establish a connection to Snowflake through Rivery. This is likely due to incorrect connection details or inadequate permissions given to the credentials being used.
    • Initial diagnosis points to misconfigured credentials or missing permissions in the Snowflake setup needed to access the relevant resources.
  2. Action Steps:

    1. Verify Connection Details:
      • Ensure that the connection name, username, account name, and warehouse details in Rivery are correctly filled out.
    2. Check Credentials:
      • Using either Basic or Key-Pair authentication, confirm that the credentials provided have the necessary permissions to access the database, schema, and warehouse mentioned in your rivers.
    3. Warehouse Permissions:
      • Make sure the Snowflake role associated with the user has adequate privileges to access the warehouse and database. This might include permissions such as USAGE or OWNERSHIP over the necessary objects.
    4. Network Policies:
      • If your Snowflake environment employs network policies for IP restriction, ensure that Rivery's IPs are whitelisted in your Snowflake account.
    5. Test Connection:
      • Use the Test Connection feature in Rivery to ensure that your connection configuration can successfully authenticate and interact with Snowflake.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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