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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error with code RVR-SNFLGC-400 and message "Error with Snowflake process. missing values to continue process" occurs when there are missing critical values required for the process in Snowflake with the Rivery platform. This indicates that certain expected values are not available, which can halt the loading or processing of data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Input Values: Ensure that all required fields and parameters in your river configuration have been provided and are correct. This includes checking your column mapping to confirm all necessary fields are mapped correctly.
    • Verify Data Integrity: Check the source data for null values in fields that should not contain nulls. This step is crucial if you're using an Upsert-Merge loading mode, as nulls in primary keys are not allowed.
    • Review Data Connections: Ensure that the connection to Snowflake is properly configured and that the credentials have the necessary permissions to access and modify the target database and schema.
    • Check for Errors in Column Mapping: If the issue lies with the initial data upload to Snowflake due to mapping, verify that the column names and data types are correctly defined and compatible with Snowflake's requirements.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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