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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SNFS-400 indicates that there are missing authentication credentials for establishing a connection with Snowflake using Rivery. This typically occurs due to a misconfiguration in the credentials setup required to access Snowflake. In general, incomplete or incorrect credentials such as username, password, warehouse, and account name can lead to this issue.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection Details: Double-check that the Snowflake connection configuration in Rivery is complete and accurate. Make sure you have entered the following key details correctly:

      • Username: Your Snowflake account username.
      • Password: The corresponding password for the username.
      • Account Name: This can be found in your Snowflake account details and often takes the format your-org-name.eu-central-1.
      • Warehouse: Specify the Snowflake warehouse name that should be used during Rivery operations.
      • Role: (Optional) Make sure the role has necessary permissions if specified or ensure the default role can access the designated warehouse.
    • Authentication Method: Verify that you are using the correct authentication method:

      • For Basic Authentication, ensure that the password does not contain disallowed special characters.
      • Key-Pair Authentication (if used): Ensure the private key has been correctly generated and is being used as required.
    • Test The Connection: Use the "Test Connection" feature in Rivery to test the connection and verify if it operates successfully.

    • Credentials and Permissions: Ensure that the Snowflake user possesses adequate permissions to access the necessary resources. This includes having the appropriate privileges set for accessing the database, schema, and warehouse.

  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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