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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message "Invalid private key. Error Code: RVR-SNFS-401" indicates a problem with the Snowflake private key authentication during the connection setup in Rivery. This typically occurs if the private key is not correctly formatted, not the right type, or not properly configured for the authentication method used.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Key Format: Ensure that the private key is in PEM format. If it is not, you will need to convert it into the PEM format.

      • You can generate a private key in PEM format using the following command sequence:
        openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8 -nocrypt
        openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out rsa_key.pub
      • Use the private key rsa_key.p8 for your Snowflake connection.
    • Assign Public Key in Snowflake: Ensure that the corresponding public key is properly assigned to the Snowflake user:

      • Use Snowflake SQL command:
        ALTER USER <Username> SET rsa_public_key='<public_key_content>';
        Make sure <Username> is replaced with your actual Snowflake username, and <public_key_content> is filled with the public key content.
    • Configure Rivery Connection:

      • In Rivery, navigate to the Connections menu and select Snowflake.
      • Choose Key-Pair Authentication Type and input your Snowflake username, warehouse, and role (if applicable).
      • Upload the rsa_key.p8 file as your private key.
      • Use the "Test Connection" feature in Rivery to ensure the connection is successful.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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