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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Snowflake Session set_masking_policies_on_table failedError Code: RVR-SNFS-403" suggests a failure in applying or setting masking policies in Snowflake while using Rivery. This error could be related to inadequate permissions, incorrect configuration, or issues with the masking policy itself.
    • From the Rivery documentation, using the "Enforce Masking Policy" feature involves specific prerequisites and permissions in Snowflake. It is essential to ensure that your account is set up correctly with the appropriate permissions, and you are operating under Snowflake Enterprise Edition.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Permissions:
      Ensure that the Snowflake user has the required permissions to create and apply masking policies. The user should have permissions such as CREATE MASKING POLICY and APPLY MASKING POLICY on the relevant schema and account.

    • Check Snowflake Version:
      Make sure your Snowflake account is under the Enterprise Edition as the masking policy features might be limited in other versions.

    • Confirm Existing Masking Policy:
      Ensure that the masking policy you are trying to enforce is correctly defined and exists within the Snowflake database and schema you are working with. This is crucial because if no masking policy is associated with the target table, the operation will fail.

    • Run Necessary Commands:
      Utilize Snowflake’s securityadmin role to grant necessary permissions using the following commands:

      use role securityadmin;
      grant create masking policy on schema <schema_name> to role <role_name>;
      grant apply masking policy on account to role <role_name>;

      Replace <schema_name> and <role_name> with your actual schema and role names【4:0†Rivery Documentation 202408 (2).pdf】.

  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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