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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SNP-400 with the description BAD_REQUEST associated with the snapchat_ads data connector indicates a problem with the request sent to the Snapchat API. This error typically means that the request is malformed or contains invalid parameters. This could be due to incorrect field names, unsupported parameter combinations, or invalid data types being sent to the API.

    • Additional context about rate limits: The Snapchat Marketing API has rate limits that operate at the app and token levels. The app can handle an average of 20 requests per second, while individual access tokens are limited to an average of 10 requests per second【4:14†Rivery Documentation 202408 (2).pdf】.

  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Request Parameters: Ensure that all required parameters are present and formatted correctly. Verify against the Snapchat API documentation to confirm that the request parameters, such as field names and data types, match expected values.
    • Validate Credentials and Access Tokens: Make sure that your API credentials (like tokens) are valid and have the necessary permissions to execute the requests. Check the validity and scope of the access tokens being used in the API requests.
    • Review Request Data: Inspect the data being sent in the API request for adherence to the expected structure and values as defined by the Snapchat API. Adjust any incorrect data points.
    • Monitor API Usage: Check whether the error might be related to API rate limiting. If your application exceeds the allowed number of requests per second, consider implementing a back-off strategy or adjusting the request rate.
    • Check Latest Documentation: Ensure you are consulting the latest version of the Snapchat API documentation to see if there were any recent updates or changes that could affect the current setup 【4:14†Rivery Documentation 202408 (2).pdf】.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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