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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "SERVER_ERROR Error Code: RVR-SNP-500" encountered when using the Snapchat Ads data connector in Rivery indicates a server-side problem. This specific error suggests there may be an issue with the Snapchat Ads API or with Rivery's connection to it. This error usually occurs due to API limits being reached, incorrect configurations, or unhandled exceptions on the server side.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Snapchat Ads API Status: Verify whether Snapchat Ads is experiencing a known issue or outage by checking their status page or support channels.
    • Review API Quota Limits: Ensure that your API request frequency and limits on Snapchat Ads are not being exceeded. As per API limitations, examination of usage and adherence to documented API rate limits can help identify if quotas are being surpassed.
    • Connection Configuration: Re-examine your connection configurations to the Snapchat Ads API within Rivery. This includes checking credentials, endpoint details, and any configuration parameters.
    • Error Log Examination: Check the Rivery error logs for more specific information about what might have triggered the server error.
    • Retry the Run: Sometimes transient issues can be resolved by retrying the operation after some time.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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