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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code NO_DATA with an accompanying error code RVR-SNP-602 when using the snapchat_ads data connector indicates that there is no available data to pull from the specified source. This error typically arises when there are no active campaigns or the selected date range does not include any engaged data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Data Availability: Verify that there are active campaigns within the date range set in the data pipeline. You can do this by checking directly in the Snapchat Ads Manager.
    • Date Range Verification: Ensure that the date range selected in your Rivery pipeline setup is not set in the future and does indeed include periods where active campaigns are expected to yield data.
    • Account and Permissions: Double-check if the correct Snapchat account is being accessed and that the account has the appropriate permissions for data retrieval.
    • Snapchat API Status: Verify if there are any ongoing issues with the Snapchat API that might be causing the data unavailability.
    • Documentation and Setup: Review setup instructions in the Rivery documentation related to Snapchat integration to ensure all configurations are correctly established.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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