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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

  • Error Message: MISSING_TOKENError Code: RVR-SNP-603

  • Data Connector: Snapchat Ads

  • Error Description: This error typically indicates that the access token required to authenticate and retrieve data from Snapchat has not been provided or is missing.

    Missing tokens usually prevent data fetching from external APIs like Snapchat, as tokens are vital for authentication and permissions.

Additional Context

From a general understanding of data connectors and tokens:

  • Tokens are required for authentication purposes.
  • If the token is missing, the connector cannot authenticate with the Snapchat API to fetch data.
  • This may occur if the token has expired or wasn't correctly inputted during setup.

2. Action Steps

  • Verify Token Configuration: Ensure that the Snapchat Ads connector in Rivery is configured with a valid access token. If it's not present, you'll need to generate a new token from Snapchat's developer portal and update it in Rivery.

    • Navigate to your Snapchat developer account and regenerate a valid access token.
    • Input this new token into the Rivery platform under the Snapchat Ads connection settings.
  • Check Expiry: Confirm that the token used has not expired. Tokens often have an expiration period after which a new one must be generated.

  • Reconfigure Connection: To ensure the connection is up to date and configured correctly, you may need to remove the current setup and recreate it from scratch with the new token.

  • Test Connection: Use any testing tools within Rivery to check the connection to ensure the new token is functioning properly without errors.

3. External References

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with the Rivery support team.

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