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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SNP-705 with the description INVALID_COMBINATION_GRANULARITY for the Snapchat Ads data connector generally indicates an issue with the granularity settings in your data retrieval. This error typically occurs when the specified granularity (Day, Hour, etc.) is not compatible with the chosen date range or report type.
    • This issue can often arise if there is a mismatch between the expected granularity settings and what is supported for the particular report or data request you are making with Snapchat's API.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Review the granularity settings in your Snapchat Ads data retrieval configuration. Ensure that the granularity (e.g., Day, Hour) aligns with the report type and that the date range settings are supported.
    • Check if you've selected any dimensions or metrics that might not be compatible with the selected granularity. Adjust these settings to ensure compatibility.
    • Consider looking up additional details in Snapchat Ads statistics API documentation to verify the allowed combinations of granularity and data measurements.
    • If adjustments are required, modify your configuration settings in Rivery to match the valid combinations, then test the river again.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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