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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Missing credentialsError Code: RVR-SNP-706" related to the Snapchat Ads data connector in Rivery indicates that the necessary authentication credentials are either incomplete, incorrectly configured, or missing altogether. This prevents the platform from establishing a connection with Snapchat Ads to retrieve or manage data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials: Ensure that you have the appropriate API credentials: Client ID and Client Secret from Snapchat. These are essential for granting the necessary permissions.
    • Enter Credentials in Rivery:
      1. Navigate to your Rivery account and go to the Connections section.
      2. Select or create a new Snapchat Ads connection.
      3. Input your Client ID and Client Secret accurately in the relevant fields.
    • Test Connection:
      • Use the 'Test Connection' feature to ensure the entered credentials can successfully authenticate with Snapchat Ads.
    • Re-authorize Connection:
      • If your credentials were recently changed or if there is a configuration update from Snapchat, re-authorize the connection from Rivery to ensure token generation.
    • Check for Permissions: Make sure the account associated with the connection has the necessary permissions in Snapchat to access the data intended.
  3. External References:

    • For configuration details, refer to Rivery's documentation on Connecting to Snapchat .
    • For Snapchat API credential management, refer to the Snapchat developer documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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