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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code INVALID_SKAD_GRANULARITY with error code RVR-SNP-710 occurs when using the Snapchat Ads data connector in Rivery. This error likely indicates that a request involving SKAdNetwork data granularity settings is not supported or configured incorrectly. Snapchat Ads API has certain constraints or requirements on how SKAdNetwork data is requested, especially in terms of granularity (i.e., how detailed or aggregate the data is).
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check the SKAdNetwork Settings: Review the configurations in your Rivery pipeline where Snapchat Ads data is fetched, specifically focusing on SKAdNetwork settings. Ensure that the granularity of the data you're trying to access is supported by the Snapchat API.
    • Review Snapchat's Documentation: Consult Snapchat's API documentation to understand the allowed granularities for SKAdNetwork data requests. Adjust your API requests accordingly.
    • Adjust Data Requests: If you are requesting data at a level of granularity that is not supported, adjust the API request parameters in your Rivery pipeline to align with the acceptable granularity levels (such as daily, weekly, etc.) as supported by Snapchat.
    • Consult Rivery Documentation: Make sure to cross-reference specific Rivery sections for handling Snapchat Ads. Often there would be specific examples or guidelines that can help resolve such configuration issues.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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