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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error UNSUPPORTED_TZ Error Code: RVR-SNP-711 encountered is related to the Snapchat Ads data connector in Rivery. This error indicates an issue with unsupported time zones in the data extraction or configuration process for Snapchat Ads integrations.
    • This typically arises when the time zone specified in the configuration is not recognized or supported by the connector. As Snapchat Ads reports are time-sensitive, any discrepancy or unsupported time zone can cause such an error.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify the Time Zone Configuration: Ensure the time zone set in your Snapchat Ads connector configuration in Rivery is valid. Check if it matches the time zone formats supported by Rivery.
    • Use Supported Time Zones: Update the configuration to use a standard, supported time zone such as 'UTC' or any other commonly supported time zones recognized by most systems.
    • Reattempt the Data Sync: After updating the configuration, reattempt to run the data synchronization process with the corrected time zone setting.
    • Review Documentation: Consult the official Snapchat Documentation and the Rivery documentation related to time zone settings to ensure compliance with predefined configurations.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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