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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-SRVNW-010
    • Description: You received a permission error from ServiceNow while trying to connect using Rivery's data connector. This indicates that the application user configured in ServiceNow does not have the necessary permissions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Review the ServiceNow permissions for the user that Rivery is using to connect. Ensure that the user has access rights to all ServiceNow tables and fields Rivery needs to access.
    • Check the access controls in ServiceNow to ensure that there are no limitations preventing data from being accessed by external applications like Rivery.
    • Verify that the OAuth parameters, API keys, or other authentication credentials set up in Rivery for the ServiceNow connector are correct.
    • Update or add necessary ServiceNow roles and permissions for the user account that Rivery is utilizing. Ensure the user has the roles such as soap_query and any other role necessary for accessing or querying the required ServiceNow tables.
    • Test the connection again in Rivery to confirm if the permission error is resolved.

3 External References:

  • For detailed information on ServiceNow permissions, refer to ServiceNow's official documentation: ServiceNow Docs.
  • More details about setting up and managing ServiceNow connections in Rivery can be found in the Rivery documentation: Rivery ServiceNow Connection.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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