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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering an unauthorized error with the Servicenow data connector on Rivery, specifically the error code RVR-SRVNW-102. This error indicates that the authentication between Rivery and Servicenow is failing, which can be due to several reasons such as incorrect credentials, expired tokens, or misconfigured permissions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Credentials: Verify that the credentials used in the Rivery connector for Servicenow are correct. This includes checking the username, password, client ID, and client secret if OAuth2 is used.
    • Validate Token: If using OAuth2.0 for authentication, ensure that the token has not expired and is still valid. You may need to reauthenticate to generate a new token.
    • Check Permissions: Confirm that the API user in Servicenow has the necessary permissions to access the required endpoints. The user should have read access or the specific role required.
    • IP Whitelisting: Ensure that the IP addresses used by Rivery are whitelisted in your Servicenow instance. This prevents connections from being blocked by firewalls or security settings.
    • Re-establish Connection: Sometimes, simply disconnecting and reconnecting the Servicenow connection in Rivery resolves the issue. Adjust configuration settings if needed and use the "Test Connection" feature to verify connectivity before running your river.
    • Review Logs: Examine the logs for any additional error messages or clues about authentication failures. This can help identify specific issues with the setup that may not be obvious.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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