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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SSHC-001 indicates a missing required argument for establishing an SSH connection in Rivery, specifically related to the "ssh_connection" data connector. This error typically arises when one or more necessary parameters for the SSH connection setup are not provided or incorrectly configured.
    • Initial diagnosis is that the user may have overlooked one of the key connection parameters such as SSH Hostname, Port, Username, Password (if necessary), or SSH Key details.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify that all required fields for your SSH connection in Rivery are filled out:
      • SSH Hostname: Ensure that the correct SSH server hostname or IP address is entered.
      • SSH Port: Typically should be 22 unless specified otherwise by your network configuration.
      • SSH Username: Provide the username authorized to connect to the SSH server.
      • SSH Key File: Make sure a valid .pem key file is uploaded if password authentication is not used. If using password authentication, ensure it is allowed by your SSH server configuration.
      • Optional - SSH Password: Include if your SSH server requires password authentication in addition to or instead of a key file.
    • Make sure the SSH server is configured to allow connections from Rivery IP addresses and that necessary ports are open and not blocked by firewalls.
    • Double-check permission settings in the sshd_config for ssh options like AllowAgentForwarding, PermitTunnel, PubkeyAuthentication, etc., as these can impact the SSH connection setup.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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