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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

You are experiencing an error with the SSH connection in Rivery, specifically due to missing authentication credentials. The error code RVR-SSHC-002 indicates that neither a password nor a key file authentication method has been provided for establishing the SSH connection using the ssh_connection data connector.

2. Action Steps:

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check SSH Authentication Method:

    • Ensure that you have selected the appropriate authentication method for your SSH connection in Rivery.
    • You have two primary options for authentication: password authentication or key file authentication (using an SSH keypair).
  2. Configure Password Authentication (if applicable):

    • If using password authentication, ensure that the password is correctly entered in the SSH connection configuration.
  3. Configure Key File Authentication:

    • Upload the correct SSH KeyPair file (.pem or .pub) in the Rivery connection settings.
    • Ensure that the key file is not encrypted and has the appropriate permissions set (chmod 600).
  4. Verify SSH Connection Details:

    • Ensure the SSH host, port (default is 22), and username are correctly provided.
  5. Test the Connection:

    • After configuring the connection, use the 'Test Connection' feature in Rivery to ensure it’s correctly set up and can be established without errors.
  6. Review SSH Host Configurations:

    • Confirm that SSH server settings allow PubkeyAuthentication if you are using an SSH KeyPair.

3. External References:

For more information:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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