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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering a general error from the Stripe API with the error code RVR-STP-001 when using Rivery's Stripe data connector. This error indicates an issue while attempting to interact with Stripe's services through Rivery. The initial diagnosis points to potential issues with the API request or response from Stripe.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check API Credentials: Verify if the API keys and credentials used for connecting to Stripe via Rivery are correct. Incorrect credentials can lead to API errors.
    • Review API Call Limits: Ensure that you have not surpassed Stripe's rate limits for API calls. Frequent requests could cause errors if rate limits are exceeded.
    • Verify Network Connectivity: Ensure that there are no network connectivity issues that could be affecting the connection between Rivery and Stripe.
    • Check Error Details: Log the complete error response returned from Stripe's API to get more details. This might provide additional insights into the specific issue.
    • Test Connection Separately: Using a tool like Postman or curl, test the API endpoint independently with the same parameters to determine if the issue lies within Stripe itself or within the Rivery setup.
    • Documentation Reference: Ensure that the connection is set up according to Rivery's Stripe connection documentation. Visit the Rivery documentation for guidance on setting up your Stripe connector: Rivery Stripe Documentation.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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