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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-SYNP-201
    • Data Connector: azure_synapse
    • Error Description: "Failed to get schema names."
    • This error generally indicates an issue with retrieving schema information when establishing a connection or operating on the Azure Synapse data warehouse.
  2. Possible Causes and Additional Context:

    • Permission Issues: The user connecting to Azure Synapse might not have the necessary permissions to access information about the schemas.
    • Network Configuration: There might be firewall settings or IP whitelisting requirements that have not been correctly configured, preventing access to the Synapse server.
    • Connection Configuration: Incorrect connection string details or an improperly set up connection in Rivery might lead to this error.
    • Azure Synapse Service State: There could be a temporary issue with the Azure Synapse service performance or status.
  3. Action Steps:

    • Check User Permissions: Ensure that the user account used in the connector has appropriate permissions for VIEW DEFINITION on the database.
    • Verify Network Settings: Make sure that Rivery's IP addresses are whitelisted on your Azure account's firewall settings .
    • Review Connection Details: Double-check that all connection details in Rivery, such as the hostname, username, and password, are correct .
    • Test the Connection: Within the Rivery platform, use the Test Connection feature to verify the configuration.
    • Azure Synapse Status: Confirm that Azure Synapse is up and running by checking its status in the Azure Portal.
    • Logs and Alerts: Check for any logs or alerts within Rivery that might offer additional information about the specific issue.
  4. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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