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Article summary

1. Issue Summary

You've encountered the error message "Rivery only support blob storage" with error code RVR-SYNP-202, which is related to the Azure Synapse data connector. This error indicates that Rivery requires Azure Blob Storage as the intermediary storage for data transfer operations involving Azure Synapse. The message suggests that either the current setup is using an unsupported storage option or the connection to Azure Blob Storage has not been properly configured.

2. Action Steps

Here are the steps you can take to resolve this issue:

  1. Verify Azure Blob Storage Setup:

    • Ensure that you have a valid Azure Blob Storage account set up as described in the Rivery setup guide for Azure Blob Storage. This should include having a Standard Storage Account and an active container.
  2. Correct Rivery Configuration:

    • In Rivery, navigate to your River's settings and ensure Azure Blob Storage is selected and configured correctly as the target or intermediary storage. This typically involves providing the storage account name, key, and container details.
  3. Test Connection:

    • Use the "Test Connection" feature within Rivery to ensure that the connection to Azure Blob Storage is working properly. If not, double-check your credentials and configuration settings.
  4. Consult Rivery Documentation:

    • Consult the Rivery documentation for further details on setting up Azure Blob Storage with Azure Synapse. It's important to follow the specific instructions and recommendations provided for these services.
  5. Review Permissions:

    • Ensure that any necessary permissions on the Azure Blob Storage are set correctly. This might include setting appropriate access levels for Rivery services to read and write data.

3. External References

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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