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Article summary

Issue Summary

  • The error RVR-SYNP-203 occurs in the context of using the Azure Synapse connector within Rivery and indicates a failed merging operation due to a missing query or source table.

  • This typically means that the merge operation could not be completed because the necessary query to select data from the source table was not set, or the expected source table does not exist or is not accessible at the time of the operation.

Action Steps:

  1. Verify Source Table Availability

    • Ensure that the source table mentioned in your river configuration exists and is accessible. Check the database to verify this table is present and contains the expected data.
  2. Check Query Definition

    • If utilizing a custom query, ensure that the query is correctly defined especially in terms of syntax, and that it definitely selects from the required source table without any issues. Confirm that the correct query is specified either in the river setup or in the configuration steps preceding the merge.
  3. Inspect River Configuration

    • Review the river configuration to verify that the correct tables and queries are specified where necessary. Rivery uses these settings to understand what data needs to be moved and how to perform the merge operations.
  4. Review Rivery Logs and Settings

    • Check Rivery logs for additional details on what might have failed. Logs might give more insight into whether the failure was due to a query error, missing data, or connectivity issues.

External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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