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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-SYNP-302
    • Data Connector: Azure Synapse
    • Description: This error indicates a failure in loading data to a file when using the Azure Synapse data connector in Rivery. This error might be due to configuration issues, credentials, or data file compatibility problems.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials and Configuration:
      • Ensure that the credentials and connection settings for Azure Synapse are correct. Double-check the Azure Synapse Analytics connection for accuracy in the portal and Rivery.
    • Check Data File Compatibility:
      • Make sure that the format and structure of the data being loaded are supported by Azure Synapse. The data source should be in a compatible format such as CSV or Parquet.
    • Rerun River with Logs:
      • Attempt to rerun the River and review Rivery's logs for any specific indications of what might be failing, such as documentation on required data structure or permissions.
    • Test Synapse Connection:
      • Use the "Test Connection" feature in the Rivery console to ensure there are no connectivity issues with Azure Synapse.
    • Inspect Data Storage Settings:
      • Check the configuration of the storage (e.g., Data Lake Storage) to ensure that it aligns with your operation requirements and has necessary permissions and access roles assigned.
    • Custom File Zone:
      • Ensure the appropriate File Zone is set up, if not using the default, as discussed in Rivery documentation for Azure Synapse .
  3. External References:

    • You may refer to Rivery Documentation for Sources for detailed setup instructions.
    • Azure Synapse official documentation for any specific integration requirements.

Please let me know if the issue persists or if more detailed investigation through Rivery support might be necessary. If you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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