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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error RVR-SYNP-305 indicates a failure in creating a table when using the Azure Synapse data connector in Rivery. This issue may arise from multiple underlying causes, such as permission issues, syntax errors in SQL statements, or limitations related to table and column naming conventions.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Permissions: Ensure that the user has adequate permissions to create tables in the Azure Synapse SQL Data Warehouse. Verify that the necessary CREATE permissions are granted.
    • Verify Syntax: Double-check the SQL syntax being used to create the table. Ensure that it complies with Azure Synapse's SQL requirements, especially if using dynamic SQL or automated scripts.
    • Naming Conventions: Ensure that your table and column names do not mix uppercase and lowercase characters, use unsupported special characters, or contain invalid UTF-8 characters, as these can lead to table creation failures in Rivery.
    • Examine Logs: Check any system logs or detailed error messages provided by Rivery or Azure Synapse for additional clues about the failure.
    • Environment Configuration: Ensure that your Azure Synapse connector settings in Rivery are correctly configured and test the connection to confirm it is active and functioning.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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