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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error encountered is "Failed uploading file into Azure Synapse instance. Error Code: RVR-SYNP-306." This specific error indicates a failure during file upload processes to an Azure Synapse instance. This problem often occurs due to connectivity or configuration issues, such as misconfigured IP whitelisting, incorrect credentials, or unsupported configurations when setting up the connection to Azure Synapse.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify IP Whitelisting: Ensure that Rivery's IP addresses are whitelisted in your Azure Synapse configuration. You can find a guide on Rivery's documentation for how to whitelist IP addresses here.
    • Check Connection Settings: Double-check your connection settings in Rivery to make sure the correct hostname, database, username, and password are all entered correctly. Additionally, test the connection through the Rivery interface to confirm connectivity.
    • Review Account Permissions: Ensure that the user account used for the connection has the necessary permissions to read and write data into the Azure Synapse instance.
    • Custom File Zone: If you are using a Custom File Zone, validate its configuration and ensure it is set up correctly. Alternatively, you can use the default FileZone provided by Rivery if no specific staging area is required.
    • Review Azure Synapse Setup: Follow the detailed setup instructions for Azure Synapse provided by Rivery to ensure every step is configured correctly.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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