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Issue Summary
- Error Code
indicates a failure in executing a copy command in Azure Synapse using the Rivery platform. This error often relates to issues in executing SQL commands or data load operations. A failed copy command might be due to incorrect configurations, permissions issues, or unsupported data formats.
- Error Code
Action Steps:
- Verify Connection Settings: Ensure that all connection parameters to Azure Synapse, including database name, server name, user credentials, and permissions, are correctly configured.
- Check SQL Syntax and Compatibility: Make sure that the SQL commands used in the Rivery pipeline are compatible with Azure Synapse SQL syntax and supported features.
- Permissions: Verify that the user has sufficient permissions to perform data copy operations in Azure Synapse.
- Data Formats: Ensure that the data being copied is in a format supported by Azure Synapse. Review if there's a need to modify the format or structure of the data before loading.
- Review Logs: Check the Rivery execution logs and Azure Synapse logs for any more specific error messages that can provide additional context or pinpoint the problem.
External References:
- Rivery Documentation - Azure Synapse provides comprehensive details on setting up and troubleshooting connections to Azure Synapse.
- Azure Synapse SQL Syntax for specific dialect rules and compatibility.
If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.
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