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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-SYNP-319 indicates a failure in synchronizing columns between Rivery and an Azure Synapse data source. This issue occurs when Rivery is unable to find expected column mappings, leading to a mismatch error. This is often due to schema changes in the source or target database that Rivery has not been updated to align with.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Schema Compatibility:
      • Ensure that the table schemas in both your source (Azure Synapse) and Rivery are synchronized. Any changes in table structure, such as added, removed, or renamed columns in Azure Synapse, should be reflected in your Rivery configuration.
    • Refresh Metadata:
      • Refresh the metadata in your Rivery environment. This can often resolve issues where cached metadata does not match the current schema.
    • Verify Column Mapping:
      • Double-check the column mapping settings in your River to ensure that all source columns are mapped to the correct target columns.
    • Examine Logs for Details:
      • Review the logs within Rivery to pinpoint which columns are causing the mismatch error. Logs can provide detailed insights into what Rivery expects versus what is currently defined.
    • Update to Latest Version:
      • If Rivery has had recent updates, ensure your current setup is taking advantage of any bug fixes or improvements related to Azure Synapse integration.
    • Consult Documentation:
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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