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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-TTD-100
    • Data Connector: The Trade Desk
    • Error Description: No data for mapping
    • Diagnosis: This error usually indicates that there is no data available to map from the The Trade Desk data source to the target specified in Rivery. This can happen if the data being queried does not return any records or if there is a mismatch in the expected schema.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Data Availability: Ensure that the expected data is, in fact, available in The Trade Desk under the criteria specified in your Rivery configuration. Double-check any filters or query parameters that might inadvertently limit data retrieval.

    • Check Data Source Connectivity: Confirm that the connection to The Trade Desk is properly configured and active. Any connectivity issues can prevent data from being returned.

    • Review Mapping Schema:

      • Make sure the schema used for mapping aligns with the data structure provided by The Trade Desk. Sometimes schema updates or changes in The Trade Desk’s API can lead to such issues.
      • Utilize the "Auto Mapping" feature in Rivery to regenerate the mapping schema and ensure all fields are correctly matched.
    • Check Logs for Errors: Review execution logs for any additional error messages that could provide more insights into the absence of data. Logs might show informative messages related to query execution or connection issues.

  3. External References:

    • For more information on connecting and configuring The Trade Desk data source in Rivery, refer to Rivery's official documentation here: Rivery Documentation.

    • You can check The Trade Desk API documentation or support page if you suspect an issue on their end that might affect the data availability.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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