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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Invalid date format, end date precedes start date" with the error code RVR-TTD-123 indicates a misconfiguration in the date range provided for a data extraction process using The Trade Desk connector in Rivery. The end date set is earlier than the start date, which is an invalid configuration for most time-dependent reports where data is fetched for a specific period. This usually results from user error in setting up the date parameters in the river configuration.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Double-check the date entries for both the start date and the end date in your river setup for The Trade Desk data connector. Make sure the start date is earlier than the end date.
    • Ensure that the date format complies with the expected format. Rivery uses a DD/MM/YYYY format for start and end dates in many connectors.
    • If the date parameters are being dynamically set using variables or logic in Rivery, verify that these values are computed correctly and that they result in a valid date range.
    • Look for any logical conditions within your Rivery logic that might unintentionally set the dates incorrectly. Adjust these conditions as needed.
    • Consider using the "Last Days Back For Each Run" option to ensure that the start date is dynamically set earlier than the end date if using rolling date periods.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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