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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-TTD-125
    • Data Connector: The Trade Desk
    • Error Description: "Failed scheduling template report" error indicates that the issue may be related to the incorrect scheduling setup or configuration with The Trade Desk data connector.
    • Initial Diagnosis: The error commonly arises when there's an issue with how reports are scheduled or managed within The Trade Desk platform. It could be a configuration oversight in the setup process where perhaps the schedule, frequency, or template has not been properly set or validated.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Connection: Ensure that the connection to The Trade Desk is correctly set up. Re-authenticate if necessary using valid credentials for The Trade Desk API.
    • Check Schedule Settings: Verify that the report schedule is correctly configured in the Rivery interface. Ensure that dates and frequency settings are appropriately set.
    • Template Verification: Make sure the correct template is selected and properly configured, as an incorrect template may lead to the failure of scheduling a report.
    • Try Manual Run: Execute a manual run of the river to ensure that the connection and template report work without scheduling. Check if the data pulls without errors.
    • Verify Report Status on The Trade Desk Platform: Ensure that the desired reports are active and accessible as expected within The Trade Desk platform. Confirm that no changes in report availability have occurred.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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